
December 16, 2006

12/16/06: Nick Rossini, 21, White Bear Lake, MN

Nick Rossini, a 21-year-old stand-out first year cadet at West Point, got into a bit of trouble while home for Christmas break. Late on Friday 12/15, Rossini damaged his mother's car in a drunk driving accident in Crystal, MN after a night of partying with friends. A short time later, he was arrested for drunk driving and called his parents to pick him up. He spent the day with his family, but apparently left again sometime during the night. His body was found in Goose Lake four months later.

Nick is the second young man to disappear from White Bear Lake since Nathan Edberg went missing in 1999.

Last Seen
Nick planned to spend the night with one of his friends in Minneapolis, MN near the University of Minnesota campus in an area nicknamed Dinkytown. That night he remembered he was scheduled to referee a basketball game Saturday morning, so he decided to drive home to White Bear Lake. However, he drove in the opposite direction and, sometime after leaving his friends, ran his mother's 1996 Buick Park Avenue into a parked car. About 5:40 a.m., a Crystal police officer spotted a car with a smashed front end drive past the police station. The officer followed the car and pulled over the driver. Rossini, who was alone in the car, was given a breath test, which showed his blood-alcohol level at 0.15 percent. (He was later charged with misdemeanor driving under the influence). His parents drove to the nearby tow yard to pick up their son and the car. After coming home, Rossini slept until midafternoon. He then went to church with his parents, drove to the Minneapolis Police Department headquarters to file a report about his collision with the parked car, and had dinner with his family about 5 pm. According to some reports, Nick and his parents had some tense exchanges over the arrest, but by the time he went to bed the next night, things were okay. Rossini hugged his parents goodnight about 10:30, and his siblings last saw him after midnight before they went to bed. His family believes Rossini left the house sometime between 2:30 and 5 a.m. Sunday. The only clue to his departure was the unlocked deadbolt of the front door. There were no signs of struggle in the Rossini home. He did not take his wallet, a cell phone, backpack, suitcase or clothes when he left, and he did not leave a note.

A Good Kid
According to the Associated Press, his family believes it is unlikely that Rossini would do "anything rash." Rossini, "a former star student and athlete at White Bear Lake High School, Rossini spent a year at St. John's University before deciding to enlist in the Army. He was spotted by West Point recruiters while still in basic training, and so far has maintained a 3.5 grade-point average at the elite academy--putting him in the top 50 of the 1,000-member freshman class." The Rossinis have since talked to West Point officials who have stated that they will not penalize him for the arrest and they would take him back.

The Search
Authorities have walked the shores and flown over three lakes near the Rossini home without finding signs of a fall through the ice. Search teams went door-to-door and yard-to-yard in nearby neighborhoods, and dogs have also been used. Police, sheriff, fire and other public safety personnel from throughout the Twin Cities, along with friends, neighbors and volunteers from area lakes and trails groups have helped with the search. The search resumed again in the spring, with deputies search White Bear Lake, Birch Lake and Bald Eagle Lake in April before beginning a search of Goose Lake.

The body of Nicholas Rossini was found in Goose Lake on Monday, April 16 west of Hwy. 61 and Hoffman Road. He was about ten feet from shore. The lake is about three miles from his family's home. The Ramsey County medical examiner's office said it appeared the 21-year-old from White Bear Lake had drowned. Authorities found the body in Goose Lake on Monday, while they were searching for Rossini. His body was identified through dental records. The body was found in sweatpants, a sweatshirt and jogging shoes.

When Nick vanished, The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension posted Nick's missing poster on its website, including a note about the possibility of a head injury from the car accident. There is no information yet on whether evidence of head injury has been found. From the outset, family members thought Nick must have left to clear his head or go for a jog, because he was embarrassed over the incident and worried about what it might mean for his future. This theory is now gaining ground as Nick's body was found in workout clothes.

Strange Coincidences
Nick Rossini is the second young man to go missing from the small suburb of White Bear Lake, MN since the 1999 disappearance of Nathan Edberg. Edberg was last seen at a bar and his truck was later found empty in a ditch off the highway. Police believe Edberg accidentally drove off the road, but he has never been found. In a strange coincidence, the Rossini home is not too far from Decoy's Bar where Nathan Edberg was last seen. The mothers of both young men also work together at Lincoln Elementary school and live within a few miles of each other. Edberg's mother, Jackie, advised Rossini's mother, Pat, on how to handle the media and was helping the Rossini family cope with the disappearance.

After graduating from White Bear Lake high school in 2004, Nick attended St. John's University, where just two years earlier, student Joshua Guimond disappeared.

Facts of Interest
Name/age: Nicholas Rossini, 20 (from White Bear lake, MN)
College: West Point Academy (West Point, NY), formerly of St. John's University
Physical description: 6'1," 185 with dark blond hair, hazel eyes and an athletic build.
Last seen: 12/16/06, at home in White Bear Lake, MN
Recovered: 04/16/07, Goose Lake, MN
Cause of death: drowning


  1. I came across an article on this subject and it made my hair stand up. When I got out of the Military in 2000-2001, I was in Minneapolis,Mn. and had been partying with people at a night club, then we went back to a hotel. I remember accidentally locking myself out of the room and ending up on the street in front of the hotel. I had been drinking and I was a little drunk. I remember a van pulling up beside me, then side door opened...then everything went black. I woke up on a matress, in the back of the van, hands bound...covered with a piece of plywood. I was able to get out and make my way back to downtown Minneapolis and to the hotel. The van was at some tall projects with, I think, blue and red panels...close to a rail road track. I thought I would mention this because I read a few articles on this where they thought these victims may have been abducted with a van.

  2. I came across an article on this subject and it made my hair stand up. When I got out of the Military in 2000-2001, I was in Minneapolis,Mn. and had been partying with people at a night club, then we went back to a hotel. I remember accidentally locking myself out of the room and ending up on the street in front of the hotel. I had been drinking and I was a little drunk. I remember a van pulling up beside me, then side door opened...then everything went black. I woke up on a matress, in the back of the van, hands bound...covered with a piece of plywood. I was able to get out and make my way back to downtown Minneapolis and to the hotel. The van was at some tall projects with, I think, blue and red panels...close to a rail road track. I thought I would mention this because I read a few articles on this where they thought these victims may have been abducted with a van.

  3. The blue and red paneled buildings are probably the Riverside Plaza aka the "crack stacks", near the UofM

  4. mykel,

    I think you should definitely report the incident you described to the police in that area. Were you in contact at that time with any strangers on the internet?

  5. Thank you.I have been in contact with the Minneapolis Police Dept. and they are investigating this. Can't discuss anymore.

  6. mykel_ls, you need to report your experience to the New York detectives. There is some indication that local PDs and the FBI are covering up in these crimes.

    Here is the link for them:

    Also, mykel, when you escaped, was anyone else in the van? Did you get a plate number?

  7. There seems to be a number code associated with murders.Rossini would be the missing link.He was found in Goose lake one month to the day after Jessiah Jameson disappeared.Jameson was with the 101st and their sybmol is the eagle.The St Paul-Minneapolis are is also known as the Twin cities.Jameson is a twin.His birthday is the 13th.
    Swanson-missing the 13th
    Geesey-missing the 13th
    Falcon missing the 13th

    and according to this site.

    Facts of Interest in This Case:
    Name/Age: Justin Hayduk, 18

    Last Wearing: white Pitt baseball cap. The cap was discovered March 13, 2001 on a bank of the Monongahela River.

    Rossini attended ST Johns..There seems to be a Catholic connection with victims.Is someone trying to tell us a story with murders and graffiti?

  8. Godlike productions:

    These are some eery similarities here. However, practically speaking, how would the killer(s) know such details? He would have to know that Jameson was a twin, and know that Rossini went to St. John's (before transferring to West Point), even thought they were from different states. And he would have to sit down and meticulously plan for a way to get his number code into the cases. Even for a meticulous planner, there are a lot of factors that are impossible to control (like the victim). And for every number 13, there are many more that do not have the number 13. It is very creepy, yes, but I do not see how it is possible for a killer to be able to plan in so much detail.

  9. We already know how they would know Jameson was a twin-myspace.Also there is more that adss up to 13.look at the dates of campbells and soumakis disappearances for instance.There may be a big picture here you are not seeing.There are some obvious ways to make 13 with pairs of disappearances,besides that pattern would not necessarily apply to every victim.If they made it that easy it would be to obvious.If you are suggesting that you should be able to associate that number with every victim as proof you are just being ridiculous.Only one possible code was suggested and there may be more.You can't see what your not looking for.being dismissive is counter-productive.

  10. We can not assume at this point that there were not well planned executions.Maybe someone can complete the pattern.We will never know if we never ask.We need to be looking for answers and there needs to be less gossip.If you do not believe there are meticulously planned murders just say so.It is being sneaky and underhanded when you act like we should assume they are not.

  11. Anonymous 10:48

    Did Jameson have an active My Space account before he disappeared that mentioned he was a twin? Sometimes these My Space pages are created after the fact to help find the person. I am not familiar with My Space--is there a date of creation listed on the page??

    I do see that there are many dates that add up to 13. You can also reverse 31 to make 13. I am not suggesting they are not related, but the number 13 is quite prevalent in society and can be found everywhere if you are looking. I am hesitant to say it is related until I see how it fits into the puzzle. Just because I want to collect more evidence before reaching a conclusion does not mean I do not see the big picture. If anything, it means I do see it because I am not zeroing in on one particular aspect.

    I do see your points and value the connections that you have found. I am only saying that I need more. I don't think that is being dismissive. As Anonymous 11:37 pointed out, it is not bad to ask questions. "We will never know if we never ask."

    So I am asking---how logical it would be for a killer to map this out in such detail? From my perspective, at the rate these cases are sometimes happening, the killer doesn't have a ton of time to plan. There is also a certain random quality about it.

  12. How logical would it be?..I hear that word used a lot .It is an illogical word to be using so often when discussing what might be nut jobs that kill people.A highly motivated killer might go to a lot of trouble.I do not see where it would take that much planning in the first place so I do not buy your argument.First of all Jameson would not necessarily be targeted because he was a twin.No one even suggested that..If you are suggesting it would be a lot of trouble to kill someone in the Twin cities to create a pattern than I would have to disagree.What has been established so far is a long string of micro patterns not one big pattern where every detail of every disappearance matches exactly so there is no indication that it would be that it took that much planning.What we do have is too many similarities to be coincidence.I put out the challenge to find 4 people that disappeared in 2005 wearing a hat with a word that starts with something other than c .I can name 4 with a c.You have the other 25 letters and I do not think you can do it because it isnot a coincidence.It is not spooky coincidences .It is murder.Keep trying to put doubt in peoples mind if you want ,but I am way ahead of all of you.I will just end up proving you all wrong .I am not bragging.I have just done my homework

  13. I think that the St. John's connection is important.
    Also, one of the missing's name is LaCrosse, like the place where a few victims went missing.
    Also, why are we thinking of one nut, and not many nuts doing the planning?
    Read "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare and "The Franklin Coverup" by John W. DeCamp.
    I would keep looking at the numbers/dates. There is a pattern.
    A Mom

  14. In regard to the collection of so much personal information, I remember a school being broken into and school records being taken. I searched a little on the internet and found this.

    "An information heist from a Minnesota student loan processing company has culminated in the theft of names, addresses, birth dates and social security numbers of 25,000 students throughout Minnesota."

    "Personal information on 3.3 million people, many from the Washington region, has been stolen from a firm that guarantees student loans, authorities said.

    The theft occurred last weekend at the St. Paul, Minn., headquarters of Educational Credit Management, a nonprofit company that is designated as the loan guaranty agency in Virginia and two other states. It also guarantees student loans nationally.

    The number of borrowers affected in Virginia is 628,038; in Maryland, 76,939; and in the District, 17,553, Paul Kelash, a spokesman for ECMC, said Friday night by e-mail."

    I just mean to point out... with information like this, fallen into the wrong hands... it is detrimental.
