
April 26, 2008

Examining alcohol usage in the Great Lakes Cases

  • In almost all of the Great Lakes cases, alcohol use was reported by those who had last seen the young man.
  • If the young man died, alcohol use was confirmed at autopsy. In the cases of Ohmi, Ross and Nordby, I have not found any reports confirming they either had or had not been drinking. (Autopsy information is not always made public.) In the Nordby case, it seems especially unlikely because he was last seen at his work as a bicycle messenger.
  • In the Great Lakes case, 23 had last been seen at a bar, 15 had attended a party, and 1 was unknown (Morgan White).
  • Of the 23 who had gone to a bar, no clear pattern is noticeable. The list of bars includes: Bar One, Brother's (3 reports in various cities), City Limits Tavern, Club Millenium, Decoy's, Dick's Last Resort, Happenings, Sneakers, Irish Eyes, John's Bar, Lizzie McNeil's, Lone Tree Bar & Grill, McRudy's Pub, Press Bar, Nasty Habit Saloon, The River Queen, The Vibe, Ugly Tuna Saloona, North Shore Tavern.
  • In the cases of Blue, Melancon, Herr, Fortney and Burrows, the name of the bar where they were last seen was not reported.


  1. Hi,

    I just spent the weekend Googling and reading obituaries.

    Here are some interesting statistics:
    MN is 57.1% Protestant, 25.0% Catholic
    WI is 52.6% Protestant, 31.0% Catholic
    According to

    Okay, I used the list of potential victims from the footprints by the riverside blog. I looked for the hometown and the obituary.

    I have Stostak, Bolanos, Rossini, Homan, Walker, Kycia, Falcon, Olberding, Dion, Guimond, Noll, Jenkins, Hoheisel, Getz and Skifton all had funeral services at Catholic churches or else attended Catholic universities.

    Of the rest I found Melancon, Katcher, Welzien, and Geesey were Baptists and Steffey, Radel, Kruziki, Snell, Sharon, Burrows and Kapfer were Protestants or non-denominational Christians.

    The others from the list I could not determine, but this is a very disturbing trend, eh?

  2. Don't know where else to leave this. I don't see a contact link here.

    From another site, two more to add to your list:

    I must say I am completely engrossed in this whole thing. I really need to get to bed after reading up on this for hours. The first thing that came to mind was John Pike, drummer for the Syracuse NY band Ra Ra Riot. This is a brief snippet from an article in billboard magazine:

    June 04, 2007, 11:00 AM ET

    Katie Hasty, N.Y.
    John Pike, drummer for up-and-coming indie rock band Ra Ra Riot, was found dead in Massachusetts this weekend. The 23-year-old went missing early Saturday morning (June 2) after a party in Fairhaven.

    Local authorities found Pike's body yesterday in the waters of Buzzard's Bay, a location less than a mile from the party. The unsigned group had performed at the Living Room in Providence, R.I., the night prior.

    I cant seem to find this list of all 40 possible victims but if he isn't on there, I think he should be


    have been trying to get as much info about these drownings as possible so I thank you all for your very interesting theories. I believe that my cousin, Tommy Booth, might have been the latest victim. He disappeared Jan. 19 from Bootleggers bar in Woodlyn, PA. His body was found 3 weeks later in Ridley Creek that runs behind the bar. I'll write more tomorrow cuz I gotta go but please check out for our local coverage from last night's 11pm news.

  3. This looks like another possible victim:

    News1130 Local News
    William Exner's family and friends are now grieving over his loss
    September 29, 2005 - 7:56 pm
    By: Nikki Pena/Tamiko Nicholson
    The family of William Exner is now confirming the body pulled from the water beneath Granville Street Bridge is his. The 24-year-old was engaged to the daughter of Canadian Labour Congress leader Ken Georgetti. The family is devastated. Exner disappeared on September 17th. He'd gone to a BC Lions game with friends and then for drinks. He was last seen walking towards the Granville Street Bridge. The body was found by a man at the marina at the False Creek Yacht Club Thursday afternoon. Vancouver police picked up the body and an autopsy to find out the cause of death is expected to happen shortly.

  4. Hello this is Ethan.Let me know if you need any assistance.I know this is a lot of work.You might consider adding this name to the athletic category.-Wade Steffy.if you had a contact option we could exchange info,but i don't see one.It would be nice to be able to exchange info without dealing with the gossips like Blink34 on websleuths .It says this about Wade Steffy here
    Like many children, Wade was interested in team sports including baseball and basketball. But as he grew older and entered high school, his parents said he became more focused on individual sports. He joined his cross-country team his freshman year in high school.

    Larry Williams, Wade's cross-country and track coach during his four years of high school, called Wade an athlete with a great heart.

    Steffy is a name of German origin ,as are many of the drowining victims are.

    here is another athlete that drowned and he was a star athlete.

    Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:49:00 PM CDT

  5. Names associated with super man

    jessiah Jameson in CLARKsville
    Brad Olsen
    All disapeared on odd months between the 15-20 of month-they could have been killed the same day .


  6. also Ross is superman's childhood friend in Smallville
