
April 27, 2010

01/01/08: Derek Kelly, 31, Bridge Lake, BC, Canada

Derek Kelly
Bring Derek Kelly home.

Derek Kelly, 31, of Langley, British Columbia, was last seen at a New Year's Eve party in the area of Bridge Lake and Highway 24, near the city of 100 Mile House, British Columbia on Jan. 1, 2008.

Derek had made the trip to Bridge Lake, in the Cariboo region of British Columbia, on Dec. 30 with a new girlfriend and some friends and acquaintances. There were at least four and perhaps as many as eight in the party. Those friends returned to the Lower Mainland without Derek and didn’t notify the authorities or his family that he was missing. He was reported missing to the Langley RCMP by his family on January 16, 2008.

An extensive investigation by the Langley RCMP Serious Crime Unit has not located him. Although classified as a missing persons file, the matter is being treated as a homicide, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has said.

The investigation has since been turned over to the North District Major Crimes Unit. Langley RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Peter Thiessen told the Langley Times, “It’s difficult to conduct an investigation from that distance. Combine that with the complexity of the investigation and the different directions it may be going, it requires the North District Major Crimes to take over the file.”

On May 16, 2008, The Langley Times reported, "a memorial cross has been demolished and missing person posters have been ripped down at Bridge Lake, near 100 Mile House, where Derek was last seen. The memorial was erected by Leanne [Leanne Kelly, Derek's sister], who said she put up the cross March 29 on Highway 24 with a rosary and a guiding light stone, to help her family find some peace. Sometime between April 24 and 26 that cross was demolished and spread over the ditch. Leanne said she wonders if this was random violence or if the cross and posters are reminding someone in the Bridge Lake area that Derek is missing. 'For me personally, it’s a little suspect,' said Leanne."

On January 1, 2010, RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dan Moskaluk told the Vancouver Sun that no charges had yet been filed. According to the article, "He said in the spring of 2008, investigators searched a property in the area and found "valuable evidence" that has advanced the case. 'We have also identified several potential witnesses who have been approached by investigators, but for unknown reasons, have to date been reluctant to cooperate with police,' he said.'The investigators are confident in saying that the outstanding witness evidence could very well unlock the puzzle."

About Derek Kelly

Derek Kelly, who goes by the name "D, grew up in Langley, BC. According to his family, "Derek was a very active and athletic youth, he played ice hockey and lacrosse. Lacrosse being Canada's national sport, proved a great game for Derek's physical strength. He had played in many tourie's through-out Canada with both hockey and lacrosse. He made many, many friends playing these sports and I'm thankful that they continue to provide support for D!" (Source.)

At the time he disappeared, he was working construction in Port Hardy.

Derek's sister, Leanne Kelly, said her family members are all anxious to know what has happened to Derek. “He is loved and missed by all our family and friends,” she told the Vancouver Sun.

Derek Kelly is described as 5'11", 170lbs with an athletic build. He has short dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has several Celtic tribal tattoos on his upper shoulders/back: a Libra Lion on the center of his chest, an "Irish Pride" script tattoo on his inner right forearm, and a band with a cross on his left bicep. He was wearing a black hoodie with silver/grey markings, jeans and black adidas runners. He was carrying a small red and black Sherwood hockey bag. He also was wearing his gold chain with his large gold cross.

If anyone saw something that looked out of place on New Years Eve/Day in the Bridge Lake area or if you have any information about Derek Kelly, call Constable Andrew Roy of Langley Serious Crime Unit at 604-532-3376 or leave an anonymous tip at Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Quick Facts:
Name/age: Derek Kelly, 31
Last seen: 1/1/08
Physical Description: 5'11, 170 pounds, short dark brown hair, blue eyes, with Celtic tattoos on his upper shoulders/back, a Libra Lion on the center of his chest, and an "Irish Pride" script tattoo on his inner right forearm.
Last seen wearing: Black hoodie with silver/grey markings, jeans and black adidas runners. Necklace with gold chain and large gold cross. He was carrying a small red and black Sherwood hockey bag.


  1. Derek Kelly was clearly murdered after having been lured to a remote area by a new-found acquaintance who had links to a person Derek had previously testified against.

    His own family members were courageous enough to admit to themselves that Derek is dead rather than missing.

  2. It seems that Facebook removed the Derek Kelly page set-up by his family. This was possibly due to accusations of complicity in the murder that were posted and resulted in the alleged culprits claiming their rights had been violated.

  3. Yes, Derek is probably dead.... he was not knowingly framed or set-up.
    He was F*cken loved and is missed every minute of every day. No one has the right to violate anyones rights. Please stop these mean hurtful and not true accusations. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    The only thing thats left and will always remain for everyone is the pain that D is no longer here with us. it has ruined my life. There is noone else like him. He is amazing, and was amazing to me. But he did have a nasty past. I guess what they say is sad but true: WHAT GOES AROUND....COMES AROUND.


  5. Thank you, Jenn. Your comments serve as an important reminder that it isn't fair to throw around wild accusations. We really don't know what happened!

  6. I don't know what it's like to loose a family member,like a brother or dear god, my son. But I do know what it's like to hurt and lose your future....your soul mate. If I could help I would.
    Everyday I think about how I will never be happy again not that amazing Feeling you get when ur head over heals and then its gone.... He's gone

  7. I can't even begin to imagine all you must be going through. I am so sorry. I'm not qualified to speak on loss, but if it helps, I have heard from many parents and loved ones on this site that the pain will become less raw. It doesn't go away, but a new sort of reality sets in where you learn to live life a bit differently. It does take time, but you can get to a place where you will find enjoyment from life again. It may be different from what you had originally planned, but life can and will get better.

  8. Oh, also there are many support groups and grief counselors out there that deal specifically with missing people and with those impacted by homicide. The Compassionate Friends is an excellent resource with a chapter in BC. They are geared toward those who have lost children, but they would be a reputable source for information and may be able to recommend something. I also came across a Bereavement HelpLine in BC that you could try: They will direct you to a resource in your area.

  9. Thank you, I am seeing a counsellor but it doesn't make it any easier just more reality.. And thanks for the info it wouldn't hurt to check it out. take care

  10. Thank you, Jenn, for putting it into perspective. The loss you experienced is enormous, so I can see how dealing with the reality of it all would be so painful and difficult. I hope things get better for you in time; please take care!

  11. Hi Im Kaylee, Jens Daughter.
    As im sure your aware. My mother is dead. Is wasnt from an overdose. She took her life, thank you very much.
    Now, to derek. I Just lived with Brad MacElhinney for the last year, and was recently returned home becuase of the terrible things he was telling me, and the phisical , and mental abuse i was brought upon.
    DEREK IS DEAD. You know it. i know it. im 15 years old,and for the last five year of my life all i have been hearing is you people go off about my mother, when she had nothing to do with anything.
    My mother had issue, but so did derek. theyre both dead now.
    Stop posting these rediculous things about her not confessing while she was alive.
    My dad Killed derek Most likely. TO JAIL HE WILL GO. and ill be damn happy as soon as hes behind bars.
    I would never take someone life, that takes someone with a sick fucking mind.
    Like Brad MacElhinney.
    If you need to contact me. Im ready to talk.
    But dont keep talking about my mother.
    She can no longer speak for herself.

  12. First of all thank you for coming by this 'blog site' , that is not just for my brother but for the important reason of educating and getting information out and awareness of all young missing men !

    Secondly, this World Wide Web Internet is exactly that, World Wide and it is very anonymous. You can be anyone you want to be on here.

    You can say you are anyone you want, and it is up to the reader to know if you are posting with true intentions, and if you are who you say you are.

    Please keep this in mind when you read the above postings. (and any posted after this one)
    It is always a good idea to keep an open mind when seeing posts,who is the poster/writer and what are they posting, facts ? lies ? first hand accounts or speculation.

    I am Derek's sister.
    I have read all these posts, and when they were posted at the time.

    I will say a big thank you for FleaStiff for your posting :
    "His own family members were courageous enough to admit to themselves that Derek is dead rather than missing."

    YES,I did indeed know for the VERY BEGINNING that DEREK was KILLED !

    No matter how upsetting and wrong the information is on this site, or the other web sites I have and will always keep respect for Derek, and Derek's memory. I will not engage in rebuttals. As always, the FACTS will be exactly that FACTS and there will come a time, be it a day, a week, a month, a year or years and years, but when the truth/facts come out JUSTICE will be seen/heard at that time, and these posts will be just that posts on the World Wide Web.

    Derek you and your baby blues are missed more then anyone could realize.

    I am as always, saying that if you have any information on Derek's Missing/Murder investigation to do the right thing and contact the RCMP, or your local police agency or reach out to CRIME STOPPERS.


    or follow the below link as there are several ways you can make/leave a tip:

    You can remain anonymous, however I beg you to please leave your information so that the investigators can speak with you directly.

    If you have a missing loved one or a murdered love one, the biggest thing I say is KEEP YOUR FAITH !

    Thank you,

  13. The daughter admitted her father killed him so why dont the police doing anything,

  14. Leanne I often think about how you have to go with no real answers. I hope some day that you get closure. We got some closure with Dennis but the guy who killed him is already free. The Canadian Justice system is a joke. I hope you get some Justice one day.
